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CatWrt Network Diagnostic and Update Script Usage

This article is recommended for everyone to install this catnd, while catwrt-update is a check update script that CatWrt v23.2 has after, the previous one did not, and subsequent updates will integrate both.

catnd: Full name CatWrt-network-diagnostics, a network diagnostic script for CatWrt.

catwrt-update: Check CatWrt updates, responsible for checking if the server version information is consistent script.

This article briefly introduces the functions that everyone does not know, and the script itself is open source and very useful.

Thanks @timochan

First of all, these scripts need to be executed under SSH, without a graphical interface (LuCI), the installation is relatively simple and easy to use. Of course, you can use third-party SSH tools to connect, such as Termius or Finalshell, or the TTYD WebShell built into the router system.

Note that all scripts are in /usr/bin


Enter catwrt-update in the terminal to call the local verification file and compare it with the cloud server using SHA256.

When the result output is displayed, there is no update.

Your CatWrt is up to date!

When the result output shows a comparison and finds an update, it will give the homepage link of the CatWrt project for you to download the update as needed. The specific update method may change with the version update.

Your CatWrt is out of date, you should upgrade it!
You can visit '' to get more information!


Enter catnd in the terminal to start network diagnostics.

Install to CatWrt

curl | bash


Diagnosis result: Ping several times and it is not accessible, checked the PPPoE field you included.

Repair method: The account password may be incorrect.

[PPPoE] Please check if your PPPoE account and password are correct.

Diagnosis result: This DNS is unreliable.

Repair method: Replace with a reliable DNS, for example:

[DNS] Recommended to delete DNS $ip

Diagnosis result: Resolution failed.

Repair method: It may be DNS, modem, or IPS issues.

[DNS] NS resolution failed for ''
[DNS] Your DNS server may have issues

Diagnosis result: IPv6 address acquisition failed.

Repair method: Restore IPv6 settings.

[IPv6] IPv6 network connection timed out

Diagnosis result: CatWrt is not the default address. If you are a novice user, you may have changed the settings randomly.

Repair method: Novice users should follow our blog to configure.

[Default-IP] address is not the catwrt default
Please configure your network at '

Diagnosis result: Bypass gateway? Why is there no WAN port?

[Bypass Gateway] No config for 'wan' interface found in /etc/config/network
Please check if your device is set as a Bypass Gateway

Diagnosis result: The router is not dialing for internet access.

[PPPoE] DHCP protocol detected in WAN interface
The device may not be in PPPoE Rotuer Mode

Diagnosis result: IPv6 interface deleted.

Repair method: Reconfigure DHCPv6 client.

[wan6] Your IPv6 network may have issues

Offline installation#

Suitable for those who have disconnected from the network but have not installed the catnd script, choose one of the two.


Download the file and upload it to /usr/bin/, then execute chmod +x /usr/bin/ to grant execution permission, and finally execute catnd.


Copy all the contents of the file and use a text editor such as vi, vim, or nano to create catnd and grant execution permission, and finally execute catnd.

chmod +x /usr/bin/

Open source code#

Welcome to discuss or point out errors to help us optimize. If you can, you can PR this project to submit your code.


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